
Empire Fire Collective


The Empire Fire Collective (EFC) represents New York, spinning fire every year at Black Rock City on the night the man burns. EFC asked for a video memento of the routine they rehearsed over the course of 2013.


Attending rehearsals in NYC and upstate, I learned the choreography in order to position myself for the best moments during the one-time-only performance.

Burning Man requires all gear and shooting plans to be pre-registered and approved. Press and Media must adhere to a set of guidelines that ensures the safety and privacy of BRC citizens as well as decommodification fo the end product.


It was quite fulfilling to volunteer video documentation of a Burning Man performance. The entire event would not be possible without the creative expressions, participation and selfless contributions of the attendees. I also learned how to keep my camera and lenses safe from dust storms - the secret is zip-lock bags.