
U.S Dept of Defense JAMRS


Our mission? Leverage interactive 360 VR video to recruit young adults to find their calling through service.

Joint Advertising Marketing Research & Studies (JAMRS) is a program run by the United States Department of Defense to maintain sufficient levels of voluntary service in the United States Armed Forces. Maintenance of a volunteer army is necessary in order for defense to be provided without conscription.



The vision JAMRS and advertising agencies AdTheorent and Media Hub hired us to execute? Create a “gender-neutral, 18 year-old’s bedroom” representative of a potential military recruit - someone with interests that could parlay into service.

The five main branches of the U.S Department of Defense were to be represented by objects in the room.

Alongside Production Designer, Amanda Deprez, and her team, we mocked up renderings of the room elements - identifying a look and feel to satisfy all the various stakeholders’ requirements.

Claudia Bloom of Rock Locations helped us scout and manage the perfect location - a suburban-looking home in the Rockaways, still accessible for our NYC-based production crew.

After two days of pre-production to dress the room, the Camera & G&E team, helmed by Director of Photography, Ben Schwartz, employed a nodal 360 image capture technique - lighting and shooting the room in three distinct segments for optimal quality to spotlight our calling items.



A national campaign was launched with interactive banner ads. Click on the banner ad and enter the 360 VR Bedroom within the browser on desktop or mobile.

Viewers explore the space, click on a hotspot object and transport to another 360 Video corresponding to that object’s calling.

Navy - Fish Tank, Nautical Apparel

Marines - Lacrosse sticks

Coast Guard - Lifeguard Gear

Air Force - Video Game Controller, Headphones, Computer

Army - Hiking Backpack, Boots, Maps